Female with lots of post it notes on her and the wall talking on the phone

How much does manual onboarding cost?

Have you ever calculated the cost of manual onboarding for new employees?  Hiring new employees generates a considerable costs for most businesses.…

two people looking engaged sitting at a computer

The top 5 tips for great employee onboarding

In one of our recent articles we talked about the challenges with onboarding. You don’t need to look far to find a myriad of articles on how to…

eLearning and employee onboarding

Incorporating eLearning into your employee onboarding process can deliver some great outcomes for your business. While the most obvious are…

Diverse group of people sitting on the floor using technology

Solving your onboarding challenges

Integrating new employees into your workplace culture is a challenging task for HR and managers alike. Retention and engagement are often cited as…

two people looking engaged sitting at a computer

What your new employee wants to know

Here are the top 5 things important to your new employees and what they want answers to when starting a new job. So, new employees got your resume…

Female hand with mouse and keyboard

Kick start your journey to digital employee onboarding

Digital HR - kick start your journey with myjoboffer.com.au There is a lot of interest in going digital in almost every aspect of business these days…

employee engagement and employer branding word cloud

Employee onboarding and engagement

Employee onboarding and engagement is no different to customer experience. Organisations spend countless dollars on understanding the customer to…

employee onboarding hr ecosystem including myjoboffer

Digitalising employee onboarding - making it a priority!

Digitalising employee onboarding processes continue to be the ‘missing link’ overlooked by a large majority of organisations. Digitalising the…

welcome cartoon for new employees

Employee onboarding - making a good first impresssion

First impressions count and not just for the employee. Starting a new job can be scary and daunting! Have I made the right decision?  Will I fit in?…

go paperless key on a computer keyboard

Employee Onboarding - why go digital

Employee Onboarding – why go digital Why take new employee onboarding digital? When we think about the cost of hiring a new employee, we tend…