onboarding touchpoints

4 Onboarding Touchpoints you can Improve

Congratulations! You have decided on the…

Flexible Work 2021 - Tips for HR Professionals

Today we are delving into how flexible work…

Onboarding Best Practice 2021

Job vacancies are at an all time high in…

3 ways you can attract high-quality tenants to your rental

As a property manager, you have your hands full…

The onboarding software tool every HR professional needs

Culture, talent acquisition and training (among…


Everything you need to know about onboarding with Simon

Onboarding and human resources have been our…

5 Ways to Keep Your Community Sports Team Engaged

Community sports teams present challenges, no…

customer experiences

3 Tips To Improve Customer Experiences

Creating a strong customer experience strategy…


Have you met Simon yet?

Have you been looking for a software to help…

5 ways automation can help make your life easier

The automation we know and love today seems like…