Whether you already operate with numerous locations, operate under a number of brand names or have big plans for a business expansion of this nature, then you need to understand some of the top HR considerations that come with it. Training and onboarding are the key to unlocking a successful multi-brand operation.


If you operate within different locations, have multiple brands under the one umbrella or are looking to expand in this way – one of the most important considerations is training. Ensuring uniformity within training is vital. The content may be different or include specifics for different locations. What should be the same is delivery, frequency and ongoing support. It is vital that you have employees across the board that all have the same opportunity, values and attitude instilled in them from day one.

One way to ensure consistency across the board is with eLearning. This will allow you to deliver training with a shared vision, message and integration. This is applicable to both franchises and multi-brands. First impressions count – particularly if an employee’s workplace is associated with a much wider brand.


Share best practices

The key to success with franchises and expanding a business is both uniformity and sharing best practices. As a HR professional you should be aiming to create a culture where each brand/location/franchise shares new ideas and things that have increased sales in their branch. This is not only a way to increase sales and success, but to also create positive employee cultures.

If you are planning on franchising your business, or if you already operate within a franchised business, this point is especially important. It all comes down to training. If you can ensure the same messages and training are delivered, you will operate a successful franchise.


Policies and Procedures – pay, leave etc.

If your franchise is operating in different states, or on a bigger scale – internationally, you must be aware of small differences in legislation and the way your business operates. Depending on your business, you may need to alter your employee policies and procedures to include nation-wide and state specific sections.

Another consideration with policies is the actual franchise agreement. This ensures all brands/franchisees are operating under the same obligations. Ensuring that employers are following workplace laws not only protects your brand name but protects and attracts better employees to your business. It’s no secret people are your biggest asset to your business so ensuring they are protected and respected is a high priority for any sort of business expansion.



Welcoming new employees and getting them from the hiring process seamlessly is another major consideration for larger companies with multiple locations. Training and adjusting policies can become quite hard to manage. This is a simple fix by ensuring there is a set process for onboarding, covering both considerations. Every location/branch/brand/franchise should have a reliable, proven system to follow. This takes time and resources.

Dynamic tracking, any device, customise content, notifications and workflow, contract builder and integrations. Including myjoboffer as a part of your onboarding can make managing multiple brands as simple and effective as possible.

Talk to us today to find out how we can help your business.