The term “business as usual” is being thrown around by a lot of businesses in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. And while businesses are ensuring this is true from a customer perspective, it is definitely NOT the case internally. Businesses are being forced to assess their current technology, software, communication tools and more as we are seeing more and more people transition into remote working. What we are also seeing (that is not ‘business as usual’) is how much people have had to switch up their hiring and onboarding process. Digital onboarding is the answer.

Going digital in the HR space is an essential step of managing a business continuity plan. The onboarding process can pose a real challenge if yourself or the new hire is working remotely from day 1. You shouldn’t let the current climate deter you from hiring new employees. If you have the digital capacity to perform onboarding duties remotely, you can make your new hire feel apart of the business while ensuring total compliance all while working remotely.

Some of the many benefits associated with digital onboarding include:

  • Paperless – by going digital, you can ensure any work from home spaces remain clutter free. You can avoid having to go into the office for filing or other administrative tasks, creating a risk to yourself or employee.
  • Safe – digital onboarding through myjoboffer can give you peace of mind that you are choosing a safe and secure software, so personal details, access to your systems and more is protected.
  • Remote – going remote has enough challenges as it is without having to worry about onboarding. By doing everything digitally, you can provide a high quality process from your home office with ease.
  • Document uploading – it is no secret that onboarding involves a lot of policy and procedures signing. Digital onboarding eliminates the need to send large files and have to re-upload. You can even sign without having to print a thing.
  • Employees don’t need a printer or scanner to accept their employment offer – just like the last point, if you are not digitally onboarding, then expecting your new employee to have a printer or scanner is surprisingly a big ask for a lot of people.
  • Optimised acceptance on any device – you may have found yourself switching between laptop, phone and home computer while working remotely. With digital onboarding, your new employee is able to access and action on any device.
  • A chance to engage virtually – engagement is the big buzz word floating around at the moment with companies dealing with mass numbers working remotely. If you want a chance to engage your employee before they even start, you need digital onboarding.

To keep that great company culture going, while remaining digital and efficient (all while working remotely) contact myjoboffer today for a free demo.