Two people sitting in casual area looking at a laptop screen

Improving Employee Satisfaction

Improving Employee Satisfaction   Positive contact between a business and consumers comes down to it's employees. Most importantly, success in…

man frustrated with head on desk and help sticker on his forehead

Frustrated with manual onboarding?

Frustrated with your manual onboarding processes? Getting the employee onboarding process right can mean the difference between securing great talent…

coffee and laptop sitting on table with mobile phone

EoFY reporting - top tips to reduce stress

The end of financial year is almost upon us. For employees this often means that sweet extra deposit into their bank accounts. Behind the scenes this…

man looking over edge of building

Onboarding checklist | Tip one

You’ve just hired someone who you think can make a real difference to the team and the organisation – so don’t stay quiet about it. Announce it to…

Apprentice chef learning from head chef

Before day one | Tip two

Before day one processes are vital to create a smooth transition for new employees. One of the biggest mistakes we often see employers make is doing…

Globe of linked people

Meet the stakeholders | Tip three

Some of the best onboarding experience we have seen have included when a manager sent a new employee the LinkedIn profiles of some of their new…

3 small sones on a table

The small stuff for new employees | Tip four

All too often the small stuff gets forgotten. As a result, this can have a big impact on new employees. Anyone who has ever started a new job can no…

Have some fun | Tip five

Have some fun | Tip five Onboarding and training is serious stuff, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! The first few weeks for a new employee…

smart watch symbolises benefits of going digitial

5 Reasons Your Business Should Go Digital

The business landscape is constantly adapting. The age of digital is upon us. For small to medium businesses this can often seem daunting. The right…

Cartoon computer person writing on screen with pencil

Electronic Signatures - are they binding?

Legal precedence of electronic acceptance of contracts is not uncommon in Australia. The Commonwealth legislation governing the practice is referred…