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The myjoboffer Document Library has arrived

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was our Document Library – but they’re both worth the wait!

The feature you’ve been waiting for has arrived! We’re excited to announce this new feature (previously named PD Library) is now available for you to use in myjoboffer and is included in all subscription plans.

What is the Document Library?

A feature that allows you to upload PDF documents to your file gallery and flagged them as a library document. These documents can then be attached as an additional document to be delivered to the employee with their employment offer. The employee will accept these documents at the same time they accept their employment offer.

What can the Document Library be used for?

Any additional documentation that you need the employee to accept at the same time as their offer. Some typical examples of documents that are idea for this feature include Position Descriptions and Terms & Conditions of employment. These documents will be presented to your new employee along with their employment contract.

When can I start using it?

Immediately! For instructions on how to set up and use this new feature, simply visit the Document Library page on the myjoboffer Support Portal, available from your Employer Control Panel.

Need more information?

Check out our user guides for more information about this release or contact our support team at for assistance.

Not yet using myjoboffer?

Click here to request a sample offer, or here to book a demo.