Before day one processes are vital to create a smooth transition for new employees. One of the biggest mistakes we often see employers make is doing such a great job of engaging new employees throughout the hiring process, often driven by recruitment professionals, only to have all communication stop until their first day.

It is so important to stay in regular contact with your new employee before they join.

If you have any formalities (such as paperwork) you need to have them complete; have as much of it as possible completed before their first day…. so “day one” is about them and not completing mountains of paperwork.


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Here are some things you can do to ensure regular contact with new employees before day one.


One: Include your new employee in company or team communication. Allow them to become familiar with what’s going in the workplace.


Two: Send them a quick email or text the day before. Let them know that you’re looking forward to seeing them tomorrow and confirm the logistics for arriving at work.


Three: Depending on the time of year they are starting, if you have planned any team events or outings invite them along!


Four: Do you have a strategy or team planning day coming up? What a great way to become familiar with the team and your goals.


Five:  If your organisation has access to online information, consider providing access before day one to cover some of the basics such as Workplace Health & Safety.


Six:  Social networking in the workplace helps new employees identify who’s who and what they do (no we didn’t say zoo!). If you don’t have digital social networking send your new employee so bio’s of your team.

day one statistics can create a personalised and customisable “before day one” message. Concise and cohesive communication with new employees.