Starting a new job is an exciting time for any employee, but it can also be a stressful and confusing experience. Inefficient pre-start onboarding practices can exacerbate these feelings, leading to a poor candidate experience and increased frustration for both new hires and HR teams.

For employees, the pre-start period can be particularly challenging, as they navigate a complex web of paperwork, procedures, and expectations. Here are some common pain points that new employees may experience during the pre-start period:

  • Delayed Start Date – Inefficient onboarding practices can result in delayed start dates, which can leave new employees feeling frustrated and uncertain. This can also impact team productivity, as colleagues may need to pick up the slack until the new employee is fully onboarded.
  • Missed Opportunities – Inefficient onboarding practices can also result in missed opportunities for new employees to learn about the company culture, values, and vision. This can impact their engagement and commitment to the organisation, leading to decreased retention and increased turnover.
  • Lack of Clarity – New employees may feel confused and overwhelmed by the onboarding process, particularly if they are given incomplete or unclear instructions. This can lead to increased anxiety and reduced confidence in their ability to succeed in the new role.
  • Lack of Personalisation – Every new employee is different, and their pre-start experience should reflect their unique needs and goals. However, many organisations rely on a one-size-fits-all approach to pre-start onboarding that can leave new employees feeling disconnected and unsupported.

For HR teams, inefficient pre-start onboarding practices can also create a range of pain points, including:

  • Administrative Burden – Inefficient onboarding practices can create an administrative burden for HR teams, particularly if they rely on manual processes or outdated technology. This can lead to errors, delays, and increased workload for HR team members.
  • Compliance Risk – Inefficient onboarding practices can also create compliance risks for organisations, particularly if they are subject to industry regulations or legal requirements. HR teams may struggle to ensure that new employees complete all necessary paperwork and training on time, increasing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Lost Productivity – When onboarding is inefficient, it can result in lost productivity for new employees and their team. HR teams may struggle to coordinate and track the progress of multiple new hires, leading to delays and decreased efficiency.
  • Poor Employer Branding – Inefficient onboarding practices can damage an organisation’s employer branding, as new employees may share their negative experiences with friends, family, and even on social media. This can impact an organisation’s ability to attract and retain top talent in the future.

By addressing these pain points and providing an efficient and engaging pre-start onboarding experience, HR teams can streamline their processes, reduce their workload, and set their organisation up for long-term success. By using a modern onboarding platform, new employees can complete all necessary paperwork and training from anywhere, at any time, leading to a faster, more engaging, and more compliant pre-start process.

Don’t let inefficiencies hold your organisation back.

Simon offers a solution to the pain points of inefficient onboarding practices during the pre-start period. Our platform provides new employees with an engaging and personalised experience that sets them up for success. Simon offers:

1. Interactive Pre-Start Onboarding – keeps new employees engaged and excited about their new role. We use personalised interactive elements to make the pre-start onboarding process more enjoyable and memorable to reflect the unique needs and goals of each new employee. This helps new employees feel supported and connected to the organisation from the outset.

2. Modern Technology – Simon is built on modern technology that is easy to use and navigate and can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, leading to a faster, more engaging, more compliant pre-start process, achieving faster time to hire outcomes.

3. Clear Communication – Our platform provides clear and consistent communication to new employees during the pre-start period, ensuring that they have the information and resources they need to be successful.

4. High Engagement – Our platform is designed to keep new employees engaged and excited about their new role during the pre-start period. This can lead to higher long-term engagement, productivity, and retention.

Get Started today with a sample experience from Simon to see just how easy it is to improve your pre-start onboarding practices and set your new employees up for success.

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