Archiving and Download All - Product Update

Archiving Changes and Download All Option

Our team has been working hard behind-the-scenes to bring you some enhancements to help make your myjoboffer experience smoother. Bulk Archiving & Download All are ready for you to use next time you launch myjoboffer.

Changes to the archive employee feature

From today, if you re-deliver an offer to an employee who has been previously set to ‘archive’, the platform will automatically un-archive the employee and placed them back into the Offer Queue for you. This will save you time having to search for the archived employee and removing them from the archive list before you redeliver an offer.

To archive employees now, you can bulk select more than one employee and move all selected employees into the archive list. No more one-by-one! That should save you time for sure! Similarly, to unarchive employees, the same process applies.

‘Download All’ documents

We’re pretty chuffed about this one. You now have the option of downloading all onboarding documents for an employee rather than having to download each document one-by-one. You can only use the Download All feature once an employee has completed the entire onboarding experience. By using Download All, one .zip file will download that will contain all the onboarding documentation for the employee.

Need more information?

Check out our user guides for more information about this release or contact our support team at for assistance.

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